News & Press

The National Vietnam War Museum is pleased to announce that Ean Tillett has been hired as the first Museum Director. Ean will be bringing his knowledge of history and museum standards to continue to help further the museum mission. For more information, please read the press release below:


IMG 5486

military2above: A soldier stands in full gear at the NE library exhibit A Soldier’s Load.
The display features items that soldiers carried into the Vietnam War and things they carried back once the war was over.
The exhibit will run until Nov. 18.
Photos by Katelyn Townsend/The Collegian

NE displays military items

(original posting October 11, 2016,
By Bethany Narvaez

A Soldier’s Load exhibit is on display in the NE library as a part of the National Endowment for the Arts’ Big Read program.

The exhibit is located on the main floor by the front desk and will be on display until Nov. 18.

The display contains Vietnam War artifacts, including weaponry and military supplies. Books about the Vietnam War and post-traumatic stress disorder are also on display and available for checkout. All items in the exhibit were donated from the National Vietnam War Museum in Weatherford.

A panel discussion about the novel The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien will be held at 12:30 p.m. Oct. 20 on the main floor in the NE library. The panel will consist of history and English professors.

The National Vietnam War Museum gift shop continues travels to various events around the country with volunteers. The next major event for the gift shop is the Vietnam Helicopter Crewmembers Reunion in Albuquerque, NM. We are proud to add a book to our store written by one of our sponsors, Bob Ford who was Black Cat 2-1 in Vietnam, which is also the title of his book.

Black Cat 2-1, book by Bob Ford

Contact Jim Messinger, for pricing and shipping information. The book is available in the Museum Visitor Center and should be added to the online gift shop soon. 

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